Tag Archives: key

Strangest Places To Lose Your Keys

Losing your car key can be a hassle and comes with a heavy guilt conscience if you lost them yourself. If there is no spare key that you can use the problem gets into the head and sometimes you panic and get annoyed wondering whether you will ever find them. When you lose your car keys sometimes you end up finding them in some of the awkward places you wouldn’t even mind looking. So what are some of the strangest places you could lose your car keys? These replacement car key specialists in Las Vegas came up with some the weirdest of places you could lose your keys.

On The Roof Of A Car

Roof of carWe have all done it, though this may sound like the most obvious of places, sometimes when you come in from the work or from the grocery store, after opening the door you place the keys on the roof of the car to get the groceries or your suit case from the car boot and when you are done, you enter the house only to remember a few minutes before work that you car keys are not in your pocket or your purse.

Your Ex-boyfriend /Girlfriends House

Before you break up you may have a long heated argument with your Ex- girlfriend/boyfriend and you end up storming out of the house swearing with all your might you never want to see them again. Moments later when you need a ride you realize you left them at you ex’s house. This makes it awkward and you don’t know whether to call them or have the guts and confront them. What a strange place to lose your car keys?

Public Toilets

This is every car owner’s nastiest nightmare it’s the last situation you could ever wish to get stranded in as a result of losing your car keys. The moment the keys fall into a public toilet at McDonald’s or somewhere similar, the first things that comes to mind are shock and panic you are stuck between dipping your hand and reaching the car keys; risking the contraction of a horrible disease or flushing the toilet and end up with 0% chances of ever getting the keys.

Accidentally Taking Your Car Keys On Vacation

Keys in sandThis has happened to most people, one member of the family or a friend heads to go out for a vacation or a party leaving the rest of the family members or friends searching up and down for the lost’ keys. The source of error is mostly from a dumb mistake on a family member or on a friend’s part. Though this is not a complete lose of the keys the chances of ever finding them in the house are closer to none.

In Clubs

Clubs are be a dark at night and during the day, when you head out for a party or clubbing with your car keys and you accidentally drop them on the floor of a dark club with all the people moving around, it’s hard to find the keys as they may be kicked around by people and before you get to the DJ it might be too late.

Changing Rooms

It is known to happen to some people. After trying out some attire, people forget their keys in the changing room and when they get to the car to go somewhere else they realize they don’t have the keys. Changing rooms like the ones at Kohl’s can be hard to monitor, you cannot really know who took the keys since there are no security cameras in the changing rooms. This makes it one of the strangest places to lose your keys.


Keys in purseThe other common places especially for the ladies are their gigantic purses. The surveyed individuals admitted to have placed the keys in the huge purses and when they needed them, it took some time before they could find the keys in their own purses. A key is a small object, so it’s not surprising to find a woman without a small pocket struggling to find the key in a large purse or claiming to have lost them due to the difficulty of finding them.
All in all losing your keys in not fun. You keep looking up and down and get stressed on how you are going to commute to the places you are needed urgently. Losing your keys is normal as most people end up misplacing their keys in some of the strangest places.

An In-Depth Look At Locksmiths And Their Services

Locksmiths had already been around for centuries, and their basic job description has not changed all that much. They are a specialized group of skilled smiths who manipulate and shape metals specifically to make locks and keys. In recent years, the description has widened to include the creation not only of metal lock-and-key systems but also of electronic security and safety systems, and the art of defeating locks. The diversity of ways that a locksmith can practice his craft has led to specializations within the field, as more and more locksmiths find that the variety of locks, keys and security systems in the world is an ever-growing field of knowledge and practical skills. Below are the most common types of locksmith specializations for buildings and how they can be of help to clients.


Residential Locksmiths

residential-locksmith-3As the name implies, residential locksmiths specialize in the various locks, keys and security systems in houses, apartments and condominium units. The most common services that they provide their clients is the installation of home-based security systems, locks, small vaults and safes. They can also be called upon to maintain and change locks for doors, gates, windows, and garage openings. They also make copies of household keys at the request of clients. Sometimes, residential locksmiths also provide consultation services for clients regarding the best types of security systems that will meet the homeowner’s needs. This might involve coordination with alarm and closed circuit television companies. This type of specialization calls for both low- and high-level security systems, depending on the specifications of the home and the homeowner.


Commercial Locksmiths

commercial-locksmith-8These skilled locksmiths provide consultation services regarding security options of various business establishments, schools, offices, and banks, again in consonance with alarms and CCTV companies. Commercial locksmiths also order, install, and maintain locks, keys, push bar door, and other such security mechanisms to keep the businesses, employees and customers who use the building safe from outside harm. They may introduce various kinds of security systems, such as biometrics-based mechanisms, that help control access to people into restricted areas or logistics within the building during after-office hours. They can be called upon to create several levels of security systems, then duplicate the keys to this system for distribution to key personnel. Aside from this, they can also assist in defeating locks in extreme cases in which all the personnel entrusted with the keys fail to do their job for one reason or another. Commercial locksmiths are usually involved in completing mid- to high-level security systems.


Industrial Locksmiths

These specializing locksmiths are typically employed by industrial-scale factories, manufacturing plants and distributors. They have to create highly-efficient high-level security systems for various needs. They provide remotely controlled, centrally operated, specialized (mostly customized) security systems that are installed in warehouses, vaults, offices, external gates, filing cabinets, laboratories, and company vehicles, among others. They provide encrypted, multi-level forms of security system that usually needs a team of security officers to manipulate. They provide detailed plans and technical design for easy reference between key officers in the company.


Automotive Locksmith

They are well recognized to provide emergency locksmith services. The emergency services provided by them include lock repairing in a vehicle, breaking a key off in an ignition or resolution of lost keys. The locksmith normally uses the car locksmith tools to handle the situation. Key making and key replacing are also amongst the other services provided by the locksmiths for the vehicle ignition and vehicle doors


Any educated and skilled locksmith can survey and settle all crisis scenarios in a matter of moments. If you contracted an unskilled locksmith, he could harm the lock, and you might come around to having an aggregate mess in your hands. Also, locksmiths are good to go 24 hours a day 365 days a year for the purpose that they could probably give their services even at off times. If you are bolted out of your home or auto amidst the night or if your home is subject to a soften up locksmiths are primed to give you the utility in the blink of an eye that too at competitive rates. So it is truly vital that you have several a locksmith recovered on your telephone resulting from the fact that you never know when you will require their utilities.

Losing Your Car Keys Doesn’t Have To Be An Expensive Lesson

There can be hundreds of issues featuring in the life of the common man on a daily basis. It is not with everything that one gets so much worried as it happens with the loss of a car key. Most often people find their keys after a bit of search as they are in the house or their offices, and this is quite a small matter. It may so happen that sometimes, they may forget their car keys in a place, which they do not remember. Even after frantic searching, they are not able to get their keys back, which is when the scenario has turned on its head for many people. With desperation, they try to pry open the doors of their vehicles, which undoubtedly damages the car door locks. If you’re ever in need of a replacement car key in Los Angeles, Click Here.

Many people think of a car locksmith when they lock their keys in the car and cannot get in it. A car locksmith can provide many additional services if you have locked the keys inside of the car. These services include rekeying the doors, ignition, emergency vehicle and trunk opening, key extraction, and much more.

Transponder key openSome people drive high-security vehicles today that have transponder chips in them. You can start your car by the press of a button. Losing a transponder like this could seem devastating, and if you call the manufacturer of your vehicle, they will charge you an arm and a leg. A car locksmith can help you with installing an entirely new system if you lose your keyless entry system.

The most common reason people call a locksmith is to get inside a locked car with the keys inside of it. Many women will put their purse and keys in the front seat, children in the back seat, and the groceries in the trunk, and realize they have locked their children in the car. This is extremely common, except it can be very dangerous on a hot summer day and the windows are up. A locksmith can pop the lock of the car and get you inside of it. However, a car locksmith can also open a trunk if you have locked your keys in the trunk. If you have lost your keys, no matter the type, a locksmith can help by rekeying the ignition and the doors.

24  7A car locksmith is available 24 hours a day to assist people locked out of their vehicles. In most cases, it is usually cheaper to pay a locksmith than to call your insurance company to assist you. Most people have a deductible with their insurance company much higher than what the locksmith is going to charge you. Not all locksmiths accept vehicle insurance, but most do. Any emergency lock service you need for a vehicle, it is best to call a locksmith.

Many people get into cars themselves when they lock their keys in it. The problem is that doing this can cause damage to the paint, the interior of the door, and even cause problems with the window. A car locksmith has the appropriate equipment to open a door quickly and gain you access. There is no reason to spend hours causing damage to a lock when a locksmith can take care of it. Always call a Car Locksmith if you have troubles with a lock in a vehicle. If you have locked your keys in the car, if you cannot get in a locked trunk, if you need to rekey the ignition, and if you have lost an autostarting mechanism for a keyless vehicle, call a locksmith.

Always hire an auto locksmith company which is certified and insured to prevent damages. Now there are many auto locksmith companies available in many cities to help you in an emergency. Certified auto locksmiths are quite expensive than an ordinary auto locksmith, but they provide you highly professional services. There are many reasons to hire a professional locksmith companies. The main reason is to protect your auto vehicle from damages. The other reason is that they work properly with your latest vehicles. The other reason is that they are well known with the latest technology and can install the latest mechanism in your vehicle. You can search auto locksmith through internet, friends and family and the internet.

Why Dealerships Are The Wrong Choice For Car Key Replacement

A majority of car owners usually value their car keys. Not having their car keys, means that they cannot have access to their vehicles nor drive their vehicles. Nonetheless, every now and then most car owners tend to either misplace or lose their car keys. If you do not have a spare car key, then losing your car key will not only inconvenience you but also it can be exceedingly frustrating. There are specific places where car owners are likely to lose their car keys such as market places, counters and many other places.


If you happen to misplace or lost your car keys, you can be tempted to contact a car dealership service provider. However, contacting a car dealership is not advisable due to many reasons. Instead, you should acquire the services of a professional locksmith who will replace your car keys at a slightly lower cost. For individuals who possess a new car model, then chances are that you may have noticed that a special computer chip has been integrated into the vehicle. If you are not sure as to whether your car has a transponder chip inside, you can ask the automotive locksmith to check out the vehicle.With that being said, here are some of the reasons why dealerships are the wrong choice for car key replacement.


Response Time

FastAccidents usually happen when we least expect them. There are cases where you will misplace your car keys just before you leave for work or attend an emergency meeting. Such situations require emergency services so that you may be able to reach work or the meeting on time. Car dealerships are not an ideal choice for such a situation because they may take several days before fixing the problem for you. The best choice for such situations is a professional locksmith who will respond swiftly.


High Cost

save  moneyWhen compared with locksmith services, car dealerships are exceedingly expensive. Additionally, a majority of the car dealerships often take advantage of their clients. They tend to charge more than twice of what the clients are expected to pay. The high prices that car dealerships usually ask for is what makes then a wrong choice for your car key replacement. Locksmiths usually offer key cutting services at reasonable prices.



Once you either misplace or lose your car keys, chances are that you will be extremely inconvenienced. If you decide to use car dealership for your car key replacement, then you will be required to provide several documents such as driving license, car registration number and the vehicle identification number. Such requirements are going to greatly inconvenience you especially if you have misplaced or lost your car keys. This is one of the main reasons why car dealerships are not suitable for car key replacement.


Many at times you are going to realize that your car dealership is not available locally. This will inconvenience you the car owner especially if you want to have the key replaced as soon as possible. In such situations you will be required to travel to another location so that you can have your key replaced.



Time Consuming

For those who may have used car dealership services then you may have noticed how much time the whole process takes. Many at times, the entire process will take more than two weeks. Since your vehicle is your main mean of transport, then using car dealership will greatly inconvenience you.


Personal Touch

Staying in touch with the person who is working on your vehicle is very important. You will be able to ask important questions and receive clarification where possible. Nonetheless, if you decide to use car dealerships, then you will not be able to ask questions because you will not be in touch with the person working on your vehicle.


With that being said, the price of cutting or programming keys will vary based on your location, make or model of your vehicle. Like discussed earlier, working with dealerships is extremely costly, thus if you opt to work with them, then you should expect to cough out a good amount of money. All in all, working with an automobile locksmith will ensure that you will save both time and money. Automotive locksmiths can be found within the yellow pages, professional locksmith organizations or online listings. Furthermore, automobile locksmiths are usually dedicated and committed to their work. They will hardly frustrate their clients because they know and understand the value of the customer.

Lock Repair Services Should Be Handled By Experts

In the fast-paced environment of today’s society, versatility is not only a strong quality for business owners to possess, it is necessary for survival. In the competitive and diverse area of locking mechanisms, the Locksmith stands alone as one professional who must adapt and adjust to rapidly improving anti-theft technology. Locksmiths are equipped to handle any lock repair service, in spite of the ever-changing requirements by lock manufactures across all industries. The arsenal of tools, which Locksmiths are forced to carry, may rival in number the most advanced set of specialized devices kept on hand by a variety of surgeons. Covering residential, commercial and automotive requires a seemingly endless supply of service equipment.

The Bathroom Door:

It may be something as simple as a child locking themselves in the bathroom, which used to be a quick fix for most parents. In those days when locks were less sophisticated a pin or an old credit card, might have provided a safety net for the misplaced key. Due to improvements in locking technology, parents may be unable to open that door and actually break the lock, through frantic lock-picking attempts. It is a common phenomenon that keys seem to disappear at the times when their services are needed. When this happens an emergency call to the locksmith could be a matter of safety. With improved durability in many interior doors, “breaking down the door”, is becoming less of an option, even in the case of extreme situations. Expertise and fast response time by a Locksmith might be the only method of ensuring the safe and uneventful reunion between the trapped child and their parents. With assortment of trade specific “picking” devices, locks can either be opened or quickly replaced when time is of the essence.

The Car Keys:

car keyIt seems that warranties for “road side assistance” and memberships in specialized organizations have a “secret expiration date.” Many times the necessary renewal date is only recognized, when the keys are locked in the ignition and the phone call for help serves as an, “after-the-fact” reminder. Even in inclement weather conditions, Locksmiths are able to quickly respond with a variety of customized devices, necessary to gain access to a massive offering of auto makes and models. The value of their skill and expertise which allows Locksmiths to open car doors in only a matter of seconds, most often provides a better solution than permanently damaging the door by trying to gain access with novice tools or lack of experience. The highly specialized “scopes” for seeing inside of doors and “gator” devices, used to replace actual car door locks, make the Locksmith approach a more damage-resistant school of thought.

Exterior Door Locks:

Kwikset commercialThe highest appreciation of the efforts of Locksmiths might be recognized in either the need to replace a broken lock after a burglary or repair a damaged lock which prevented an attempted entry into a home. Safety and peace of mind experienced, by hiring a professional Locksmith to create a solid fortress, via quality locking devices, might be well served in an advanced preparatory philosophy as opposed to an after the fact, regret. Periodic exterior lock servicing and inspection by a Locksmith might even safe money in either lock replacement or loss due to theft.

Re-keying Locks:

Re-keying locks, to ensure security from lost keys is one of the most common tasks for the Locksmith. With emphasis being placed on high quality locks, designed to last many years, often only the core needs replacing and a new set of keys provided. Locksmiths are regularly dispatched for quick and inexpensive re-keying procedures which create safety and peace for commercial and residential clients. With the increase in technology being equally advantageous to the criminal as the knowledge of break-in prevention is for the Locksmith, it is the business owner who needs to remain ahead of the race, by regularly scheduled security updates. Maintaining a long-lasting relationship with a local Locksmith could be the most significant security decision made by many business owners.

Feeding Demand with Knowledge:

Basic Locksmith skills have been a constant for many centuries. Realizing the fact that Locksmiths are equipped to handle any lock repair job, much more emphasis has been placed on training regimens and workshops necessary to operate the latest tools and devices. In a span of only a few years the tools of the trade will certainly require many more additions to the collection. Few professionals offer the type of comprehensive services provided by Locksmiths. In a “specialist-driven” society, “Smiths” may stand almost alone as the obvious exception.

Why it is a Good Idea to Have Your Locks Rekeyed

A surprising number of homeowners don’t know when or why they need to have their home or business locks rekeyed.In some states, if you have a rental home you are legally required to rekey the lock before new tenants can live in the apartment or rental home.

So what is rekeying a lock? It involves changing the tumblers of a lock’s cylinder so that the old key won’t work on the door. Some people try to do this themselves when they should use a local locksmith. Not only are they likely to break the lock but they can face the challenge of pieces flying everywhere.

When do you need to consider whether to rekey a lock? There are some situations where it is crucial to ensure your locks are rekeyed. If you have just moved into a home, you’ll feel in a more secure situation with a rekeyed door. You may not know how many of the old keys are out there so rekeying is the safest and most secure option after buying a new home. Even if the home were built by a construction company, there could be special keys which the building crew used and which will still open the residential door. Why take a chance?
But be sure you go with a professional locksmith. There are a number of reasons to consider when rekeying a lock. If you have ever had any keys made for you especially for your house but you can’t account for the, rekeying them could be a wise move, especially when you compare buying a new lock.
These professionals can help you out of numerous jams and can, in general, make your life a little easier as you navigate down your path. A good lock industry professional can do more than get you into your car or home if you are locked out. A good lock industry professional can also help you simplify your world by making sure that all your locks are working properly and that you have only the keys you need to open the locks in your life and on your property.

lock repairRekeying locks are one of the most common jobs that a lock industry profession provides to people on a regular basis. Rekeying locks become necessary when you are moving to a new place if someone moves out of your current place and if you lose your keys. Rekeying a deadlock is about the same as changing a deadlock.

There are different types of locks that a lock industry professional may recommend to you depending on your budget and the situation you’re in when it comes time to rekey your locks. Lock prices can run the gamut from very inexpensive to very expensive. Your locksmith can greatly help you choose the best lock for your needs, and they may have some strong recommendations. Often the more expensive locks are recommended by lock industry professionals if you are in a situation where you have to change locks more often.

corbinThe more expensive locks have a removable core. This means that rather than remove the exclusive lock when you need to change locks or if you need to rekey the lock, the lock industry professional that you have hired can just change out the heart of the locking mechanism and even replace it with a new one. This means they don’t have to remove the whole piece including the handle and replace it with an entirely new fixture. This option is more expensive up front but is helpful down the road both regarding convenience and cost when it comes time to change the locks again.
When you lock industry professional comes to change your locks or rekey your locks, it is a good time to make sure that all your locks are working together with one key. The accountability of this is often not understood until you’ve had it done. Many people carry more keys than they need to, so if you are already working with someone to change your locks you should ask them to go to the next step and make sure that one key can operate all your necessary locks.

Working with a trusted and respected lock industry professional will allow you to ask some questions and get some great answers that will help make your life just a little more convenient.

Reasons Why A Car Key Is Better Than An Electronic Key

Cars are expensive; therefore, you should protect them from theft. The cool thing is that cars come with different types of locks that provide the necessary protection. Car keys come in different types, but are divided into two main types. The old styles are the traditional metal keys that old car are installed with. The new car models have ones that are equipped with a chip which sends out a code to the car’s computer to start it. The latest models are the ones that are called electronic car keys or fobs and control the car’s ignition and doors.

Other than being very convenient, car keys make your car difficult to steal. This is because thieves can’t hack and start a car that has car key features unlike the electronic keys. Car keys are made out of brass – or so they should be – so they don’t wear your ignition and locks out. If given a steal key, motorists should be aware that both your ignition, locks and key will all wear out faster. Ignitions and locks are also made from steal and the constant friction and rubbing of them with the key will wear them both out leaving the motorists with a three-way replacement which is costly and terribly inconvenient. A brass key should always be sought to avoid this predicament.

A major misconception by motorist and new car owners is that the key starts the car. This is a fallacy as it is actually the chip located in the plastic casing of keys that starts modern cars. This chip is coded specifically to its matched car and without this precise coding, cars will not start, stop working and even stop working mid way through a trip. This can leave motorists thinking that something is wrong with their car rather than their key and can lead to unnecessary mechanical adjustments, replacements and bills.

Car Alarm SystemWhile car alarm systems are usually handled by auto mechanics or dedicated auto alarm experts, most other services relating to auto security are handled by experienced auto locksmith technicians. Today’s market offers a wide range of car keys and lock systems yet most car keys are still manufactured using one of two production methods using either a production process wrench or a laser key cutting technique.

Mechanical cut car keys are considered the more traditional type and employ a unique cutting pattern on the edge of each key blade. This unique cut allows the key to fit into a car’s ignition switch in one direction only and creating or duplicating these type of keys is done in a similar technique to the one being used when cutting or duplicating a residential type home key. The process involves using a mechanical key cutting machine that is employed by certified locksmiths either inside their locksmith shop or on their mobile locksmith service vehicles. This key cutting method is cheaper than producing a laser cut key, yet most new car models employ a laser cut technique that offers higher security and are much harder to duplicate. That being said mechanical cut keys are still popular with some of today’s popular car makers including Ford, Chevy and General Motors.

car ignitionAs mentioned above, laser cut keys offer a more secured option. They can be clearly identified by their square edges and by having identical cuts on both sides of each key blade. Laser cut keys fit inside the car’s ignition switch on both sides and can be used to start a vehicle either way. Duplicating laser cut keys or creating them from scratch is a far more complicated technique and require a special laser key cutting machine. Furthermore producing these type of keys usually require additional programming via additional software that allow the locksmith to program unique electronic codes into the key as they communicate with the vehicle each time the customer attempts to open their car. Some car makers require locksmiths to contact them directly in order to obtain unique codes and additional information that is required to be programmed into the key in order for it to work properly.

Because of the complexity of laser cut key creation it is highly recommended that whenever a customer orders a new key for their vehicle, they make sure that they key actually works and opens up their vehicle to ensure that all of the steps involved in the key creation have been performed successfully and that the key actually works.

One notion that many people don’t realize is that only specialised car locksmiths have the card and chip reader and know how to use it. There are also only a minority of these specialised or trade qualified locksmiths available in most areas. By seeking these specialised businesses, you ensure the job is done right and the key works as it should for many years. If a key is made by a non trade qualified business, often they won’t work or they will work for a while and then stop. Without trade qualifications and the right card and chip reader and the knowledge of how to use it properly, keys are very often only half programmed. This in time will cause the driver more hassle and quite likely leave them very angry.